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So – it’s been pretty busy around here lately; getting ready for the fall CSA season, preparing the new field for a winter crop and full spring planting, a fourth cut of hay…   Well, that’s my ‘official’ excuse for slacking on blog updates anyway.  😉

With that out of the way –

The heat indexes that we all know and love around here seem to be giving way to milder temperatures which makes for some really nice days in the gardens.  The cucumber beetles and squash vine borers this fall have made those nice days, well, a little less nice but still – we’ll take the temps!

Not sure you’ve ever seen a cucumber beetle?  Well, they look a lot like ladybugs except they’re smaller, and yellow, and a little longer-ish.  And while they have spots, sometimes they have stripes too…  They really are cute little critters until you watch them decimate a series of plantings in a few. mere. days.  Leaves, stalks, roots, they go for it all.  The best remedy if you got ’em?  Well, so far it seems to be lots of succession planting shielded by more and more floating row cover (I think The Boss ordered like nine million feet of it when she really got up close and personal with those not-so-lady-like-beetles).

Playing with bugs and weather chat aside – it’s going to be a great autumn ’round these parts and we’re really looking forward to everything on the horizon.  And, on this eve of an equinox we’re going to enjoy a cool breeze, a good meal, maybe stories of a homecoming game, and yes – we’re gonna get crackin’ on all the updates you ought to know about.

Very best from us – and some of our little friends!


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