Spring into Autumn!

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It’s almost impossible to believe that we are more than a year into operations… The spring gardens are giving way to fall plantings and once again we find ourselves anxiously awaiting the harvest to come!  Cover crops have been rotated, cut and tilled.  Sprouts are rising from the prepped beds and the seedling tables are teeming with new growth.

The spring yields turned out better than expected and the quality/flavor of most of our heirloom varietals met with some pretty outstanding reviews.  We’re very happy about about that for sure.  As for the varieties that didn’t quite meet our expectations – well, a couple of them definitely aren’t making it into the next seasons but a there are a few we’ll keep working with in the experimental garden tweaking nutrients/pH/light exposure/temperature/etc.

We’ve met some great people this season and have had some requests for additional herbs, cut flowers, and MORE cantaloupe!  So, we’ve incorporated that into our fall season plan…  🙂

Our land in production increases this fall by just over 200% and we’re well underway to have that again double for the spring 2013 season.  Awww – our little farm is growing up!

And, for those of you that have asked, yes! – We are going to begin our CSA program this fall.  It’ll be a small group of charter members for this season and then we’ll expand a bit with each season of ’13.

(Much more to come on that.  I’m attempting subtlety here before the ‘official’ announcement but, there may be some perks to being a plankowner of the RedCrate CSA!)

2 Replies to “Spring into Autumn!”

  1. What are the costs to become a Plankowner of RedCrate CSA?

    Since I’m not super close by – would it be possible to purchase a CSA and then have it donated/delivered to a local food bank, school lunch kitchen, etc. instead?

    Let me know!

    1. Well first let me say that it’s completely AWESOME of you to want to support both local causes AND local agriculture!

      We’ll make some official announcements in the next week with the details of share cost, schedules, and all that fun stuff. And, our drop off/pick up points may very well be much closer than you think! 😉

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